I hope I get better as time goes by
http://www.thedailylight.com/articles/2010/06/23/opinion/doc4c22314e407cb178774396.txtWednesday, June 23, 2010WAXAHACHIE, TX
LETTER: ‘Ongoing war’
Published: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 11:10 AM CDT
To the Editor,
As we enter our 10th year at war in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Veterans Administration announces over one million new disability claims. As a grateful nation,it is critical that we acknowledge and discuss the reasons for this increase — as well as possible ways to assist our veterans get the help they need.
As the wars drag on with no end in sight, the number of permanently injured soldiers and Marines has doubled in one year and will increase by 13 percent per year, according to Michael Walcoff, acting undersecretary for benefits at the VA. Additionally, Agent Orange exposure for Vietnam Veterans is finally being given the priority it has deserved for decades. Hopefully, this funding will be expanded to cover Gulf War Syndrome from Gulf War One. These increased claims have been delayed by ancient paper applications which have only recently been decreased from 26 to 10 pages. For those veterans with PTSD, brain injury and financial problems, these paper forms can cause delays in treatment.
It is imperative that these veterans receive efficient, timely intervention to medical and psychiatric treatment. This should begin by contact of our elected officials, insisting they initiate and vote on computer applications and community help — especially for rural veterans. Funding for treatment of wounded veterans should be considered an integral part of the Military Budget and covered completely. Some resources for wounded veterans are as follows:
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides immediate referral to the nearest VAMC.Please call if PTSD is affecting your life or that of your loved one - 1-800-273-talk (8255).
If you need help initiating application for VA benefits, you may call a toll-free number for assistance at 1-877-222-VETS (8387).
The VA North Texas Medical Center, located at 4500 South Lancaster Road Dallas, TX, can be reached by calling 214-742-8387 Or 800-849-3597.
Finally, an ignored group is the increasing number of homeless veterans — if you are, or know of a homeless veteran, the following numbers can be lifesavers:
Department of Veterans Affairs: Benefits: 1-800-827-1000
Call Center for Homeless Vets: 1-877-424-3838
Medical Centers: 1-800-827-1000
Persian Gulf War Helpline: 1-800-749-8387
As a grateful nation, it is our responsibility to help our veterans get the help they have earned.Begin with elected officials — continue to voice your support of our troops, veterans and their families. Encourage increased veteran support and serious review of need for continued war with no end in sight. As Americans, it’s the least we can do.
Elizabeth Dawson,
Red Oak