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VA Blue Water Claims Update 11

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skorpo Donating Member (300 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-15-10 08:58 PM
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VA Blue Water Claims Update 11

VA Blue Water Claims Update 11: The VA has added the below named ships to the already existing list noted in Update 10 for Navy and Coast Guard ships and vessels that are presumed to have been exposed to Agent Orange. If you served on any of these mentioned ships and you have had a claim denied, you should reapply citing the VA list as the source for your reapplication. NAUS advises that the VA is already working on a third list that will have more ships listed. If you have a claim and evidence the ship you served on was in Vietnamese waters and/or actually tied up to a dock there, make sure you include that with your claim.

Vessels that operated primarily or exclusively on the inland waterways.
* All U.S. Coast Guard Cutters with hull designation WPB and WHEC
* USS Mark (AKL-12) ; USS Brule (AKL-28)
* USS Patapsco (AOG-1) ; USS Elkhorn (AOG-7)
* USS Genesee (AOG-8); USS Kishwaukee (AOG-9)
* USS Tombigbee (AOG-11); USS Noxubee (AOG-56)
* USS Okanogan (APA-210) ; USS Montrose (APA-212)
* USS Bexar (APA-237)
* USS Benewah (APB-35) ; USS Colleton (APB-36)
* USS Mercer (APB-39); USS Nueces (APB-40)
* Barracks Barge (APL-26) ); Barracks Barge (APL-30)
* USS Tutuila (ARG-4) ; USS Satyr (ARL-23)
* USS Sphinx (ARL-24); USS Askari (ARL-30); USS Indra (ARL-37)
* USS Krishna (ARL-38)
* USS Belle Grove (LSD-2) ; USS Comstock (LSD-19)
* USS Tortuga (LSD-26)
* USS Asheville (PG-84) ; USS Gallop (PG-85)
* USS Antelope (PG-86); USS Ready (PG-87); USS Crockett (PG-88)
* USS Marathon (PG-89); USS Canon (PG-90)
* Floating Base Platform (YRBM-17)
* Floating Base Platform (YRBM-18); Floating Base Platform (YRBM-20)
* Winnemucca (YTB-785)

Vessels that operated temporarily on Vietnam's inland waterways or docked to the shore:
* USS Card (ACV-11) mined, sunk, and salvaged in Saigon River Harbor during May 1964.
* USS Maury (AGS-16) conducted surveys of Mekong Delta and other coastal areas and rivers beginning November 1965 through 1969.
* USS Henrico (APA-45) operated on Hue River during March 1965 and conducted numerous troop landings through March 1967.
* USS Montrose (APA-212) operated on Song Hue River during December 1965, operated on Long Tau River during March 1967, and operated on Cua Viet River and at Dong Ha during May 1967.
* USS Talladega (APA-208) operated on Saigon River during October 1967.
* USS Bolster (ARS-38) crew operated on land.
* USS Canberra (CAG-2) operated on Saigon River from March 31 through April 1, 1966, on Cua Viet River during December 15, 1966, and on Mekong Delta Ham Luong River during January 15, 1967.
* USS Sproston (DD-577) operated on Mekong Delta and Ganh Rai Bay during January 1966.
* USS Picking (DD-685) operated on Saigon River during November 16, 1965.
* USS Epperson (DD-719) docked to Da Nang Pier on October 4, 1970.
* USS Southerland (DD-743) operated on Song Nga Bay and Saigon River during July 1966.
* USS John W. Thomason (DD-760) operated on Nga Be River during 1969
* USS Buck (DD-761) operated on Mekong River Delta and Saigon River during October 1966.
* USS Preston (DD-795) operated on Mekong River Delta, Ganh Rai Bay, and Saigon River during September 28 - 29 and December 27 - 29, 1965.
* USS Warrington (DD-843) operated on Mekong River Delta Rung Sat Special Zone, North of Vung Gahn Rai Bay during March 1967.
* USS Dyess (DD-880) operated on Saigon River and Rung Sat Special Zone from June 19-July 1, 1966.
* USS Perkins (DD-877) operated on Saigon River during June 1969.
* USS Orleck (DD-886) operated on Mekong River Delta during July 1969.
* USS Joseph Strauss (DDG-16) operated on Mekong River Delta and Ganh Rai Bay during November 7 and December 7,1968.
* USS Waddell (DDG-24) operated on Cua Viet River during March 1967.
* USS Newell (DER-322) docked at port of Nha Trang during December 22-24, 1965.
* USS Duluth (LPD-6) docked to pier at Da Nang during March and October 1971.
* USS Cleveland (LPD-7) operated on Cua Viet River and at Dong Ha, as well as Hue River, from November 1967 through 1968 and Saigon River during September 1969.
* USS Dubuque (LPD-8) docked at Da Nang on March 15, 1970
* USS Boxer (LPH-4) docked to pier at Cam Rahn Bay on September 9, 1965.
* USS Carter Hall (LSD-3) operated on Cua Viet River and at Dong Ha during December 1967.

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w8liftinglady Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Jul-15-10 09:40 PM
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1. Thanks for this resource-I'm passing it to my uncle..
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