I thought y'all would appreciate this photo-story from The Houston Press the most around here :)
The 11 Sexiest, Coolest-Looking Cold War JetsBy Mel Sharkskin
Tue., Jul. 5 2011 at 6:01 AM
Jet aircraft, particularly the fighters, represent a Freudian's play date. Long, slender, blisteringly fast, spewing bullets out the tip and, until recently, powered as much by testosterone as by kerosene (the main ingredient in jet fuel -- what a disappointment). Of course, now that women fly them, and fly them quite well, thank you, this men's club is no longer so exclusive.
Airplane lovers like me all have our favorites, and though most of us won't admit it, those favorites are dictated more by aesthetic considerations -- or, to be more honest about it, by an airplane's sexiness -- as by important things such as performance, fuel efficiency and other boring statistics.
A famed aircraft designer, "Dutch" Kindleburger of North American Aviation, said (and why do these guys always have staccato, manly nicknames like, well, "Dutch," "Buzz" or "Bull"?), "If it looks good, it will fly good." And who are we to quibble with such wisdom from an aviation legend? At no time were airplanes so sexy, so come-hither, so inviting to a man to rub up against her skin, than during the Cold War. Take a look at, say, Lockheed's F-104 Starfighter (even the name was sexy) and compare it to their newest fighter, the F-22A Raptor. I would kick the latter out of bed, frankly.
We began to think about these Cold Warriors of the air, and tried to compile a list based purely on their aesthetic or sex appeal. So let's go. The top 11:
6-pages of images and individual comments at link above