MANHATTAN (CN) - A federal judge granted U.S. citizenship to a decorated Vietnam veteran who stabbed and killed his wife, then made a remarkable turnaround in prison. "No man is beyond redemption," Judge Denny Chin wrote.
Chin, recently appointed to the 2nd Circuit, was sitting by designation in U.S. District Court.
When he heard of the ruling, Vernon Lawson told Courthouse News in a telephone interview, "I felt that I had everything in the world that I needed. I love this country so dearly. I don't know anything but this country."
Lawson's attorney told Courthouse News that many Vietnam War veterans face situations similar to her client.
Born in Jamaica in 1946, Lawson became a legal permanent resident when he immigrated with his mother at 14, after his parents divorced. For most of the time since then, he has lived in the same apartment in the Sugar Hill section of Harlem. He said that he was in that apartment when he heard the news that he would become a citizen.
Lawson dropped out of high school to enlist in the Marines at 18, and served one 13-month tour of combat in Vietnam.