08.08.2011 Katharine Russ
RUSS REPORT - U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit issued a landmark decision on May 10, 2011 that medical care delays have deprived veterans of their Constitutional Rights.
In a 104-page decision, Judge Stephen Reinhardt said, “Veterans who return home from war suffering from psychological maladies are entitled by law to disability benefits to sustain themselves and their families as they regain their health. Yet it takes an average of more than four years for a veteran to fully adjudicate a claim for benefits. During that time many claims are mooted by deaths."
Since May, Robert Handy, HMC USN (Ret) Chair- Veterans United For Truth, a Plaintiff, said that the VA has asked for an en banc hearing before the full panel of 11 judges and the case will likely be sent to the Supreme Court.While it’s certainly no secret that General Eric Shinseki took over the helm of the Veterans Administration (VA) at the height of corruption and mismanagement, he promised to create relationships of trust, timeliness and excellence of services and support and to optimize opportunities for delivering the best services with available resources (January 14, 2009).
However, rather than agreeing with the court and resolving issues in Regional offices, the VA has chosen to fight this decision. Handy says this case could go on forever....
(Katharine Russ is an investigative reporter. She is a regular contributor to CityWatch and to the North Valley Reporter. Katharine Russ can be reached at Katharine.russ@charter.net ) –cwhttp://citywatchla.com/lead-stories/2086-shamefully-delayed-care-is-killing-americas-veterans