"This is what the zionist-masonic-illuminatti CONtrollers think of Americans, they HATE Americans"
* Get at the young from birth to destroy their immune system and brain functions by mandatory or scare tactic Vaccine (slow poison/death) programs - make sick, con-trol for life, and kill off people
* Mandatory active-duty military vaccine programs (under the guise of prevention in case the enemy does...)
*Blood transfusions to spread diseased defective tainted genes (when there is better than blood alternative) * Compulsory Mental Health Screening (S1390) and forced psychotropic drugging of children, even pre-school
*Nationwide testing/screening every "healthy" man-woman-child (without a reason), the entire population of a nation under the guise of a "health service" delivery system (to deliver drugs to the entire nation) as-in New Freedom Initiative.
* Poisoning at same time making passive the population with Fluoride in sending us back sewage water to drink from pipes
* Nutritionally deficient foods which do not feed our brain nor cells (to keep us sickly, in need of paid services, passive)
* Not allowing the population to seek natural herbal and other such remedies, but incarcerating us for same
* Doctors with a State License (to kill with "protection" from the State) who dish out prescription drugs that harm us
* Poisoning the air with factory-vehicle emissions/pollution for profit and deliberate chemtrails
* Poisoning the plants-vegetables-fruits with insecticides which we ingest
* Turning animals in cancerous meat we eat, so they can produce more puss tainted eggs, milk, mad-cow to feed us
Sounds Mainstream to me.