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Red Star Moms?

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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 10:25 AM
Original message
Red Star Moms?
Okay, there are Blue Star Moms (ironic, since the majority of mothers with children in the armed services seem to be Dem/Left), and the unfortunate subset of the Blue Star Moms, the Gold Star Moms.

How about one for the mothers who support the war but don't want their kids to go? Like that one featured in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on 8/11.

We could start calling them the "Red Star Mothers" - that would be a dig, and you could tell someone who asks EXACTLY what it means.

A Red Star Mom is a mother of someone who is healthy and able to go off to the war in Iraq, but refuses to sign her kid up.

Brings back the negative connotation of "Communism", too.
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grauch Donating Member (32 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 10:34 AM
Response to Original message
1. Umm...
A Red Star Mom is a mother of someone who is healthy and able to go off to the war in Iraq, but refuses to sign her kid up.

Moms don't sign their kids up for military service -- each member of the armed services volunteered themselves.
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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Aug-18-05 11:50 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. But they're so damn patriotic and they love what Bush is doing!
(Forgot to add how they support the war)

They expect nothing less than the noble sacrifice (of someone else) . . .
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