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Faker sentencing postponed to Jan. 2

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unhappycamper Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 06:01 AM
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Faker sentencing postponed to Jan. 2

Army Reserve Maj. Anthony Calderone pleaded guilty Sept. 20 in federal court to charges of lying about his awards and qualifications in order to gain a promotion. His sentencing has been postponed until Jan. 2.

Faker sentencing postponed to Jan. 2
By Michelle Tan - Staff writer
Posted : Monday Dec 3, 2007 21:33:11 EST

An Army Reserve major who pleaded guilty in federal court to charges of lying about his awards and qualifications in order to gain a promotion is scheduled to be sentenced Jan. 2.

The sentencing for Anthony Angelo Calderone was postponed from Wednesday to this new date. Calderone pleaded guilty on Sept. 20 in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake City. He faces a maximum sentence of five years and six months in prison and fines of up to $255,000.

News reports and civilian watchdogs reveal an increase in cases of individuals faking military service or awards as the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan fuel the imaginations of wannabe war heroes. Many of those who have been busted for faking their military credentials are former soldiers or lower enlisted troops who were kicked out of the service for one reason or another. The case against Calderone, 41, is unique because he is an officer and still in the service. His is the first case of a service member — officer or enlisted — falsely claiming awards or decorations to be prosecuted in federal court in Utah, said Robert Lund, the assistant U.S. attorney prosecuting the case.

Calderone, who served in Iraq from January 2005 to December 2005, wore a Silver Star, the third-highest award for valor, the Special Forces and Ranger tabs and other insignia he didn’t earn and he used the illegitimate awards to get his promotion to major.

Calderone also admitted to knowingly and willfully making false statements about his tours of duty, qualifications and awards, and he was charged with falsely including unauthorized decorations and listing tours of duty and military training that he had not completed.

Court documents say Calderone put those false statements, including that he had a Silver Star, the Special Forces and Ranger tabs, and the Combat Infantry Badge, on his DA Form 2-1, the personal qualification record, and on his DD 214, the certificate of release from active duty. Calderone later submitted the falsified DD 214 to his Army Reserve unit, according to court documents. Those false statements on official military documents led to his promotion to major in July 2006, and led to him earning more pay, according to court documents.

Rest of article at:
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Lasher Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 06:35 AM
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1. What a disgusting man.
He should be sentenced to 24 hours alone with legitimate Special Forces personnel.
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rakeeb Donating Member (188 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-04-07 01:00 PM
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2. What a turd,
even if you assumed he was authorized to wear everything in that picture, there are still about 5 things wrong with his uniform, but it is annoying when some turd passes himself off as SF, even more annoying when they throw in both MFF and CDQC badges (tough enough to get both when you are in an Active Duty SF Group for a decade).
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rakeeb Donating Member (188 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-07-07 10:07 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. It's stupid enough to lie about Ranger school and SF,
it's a small community, and a name can get checked in seconds, even quicker if someone remebers him failing or quitting a school.
But to lie about a Silver Star when you're an officer who doesn't even have an MSM? Every officer going to Iraq or Afghanistan gets a Bronze Star these days, but when a Silver Star is awarded, it always had to do with a significant event that everyone would have heard about; when you read someone's Silver Star citation you usually say to yourself "I remember reading about that firefight, damn I'm glad it wasn't me."

Sad thing is, if he had just lied about a Bronze Star and nothing else, nobody would have even raised an eyebrow.
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Major Hogwash Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-07-07 09:45 AM
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3. Jesus Christ, and he's still active!
Can you imagine what the soldiers feel like now after they learn they were serving under a fake Major?

Well, at least it's consistent with serving an AWOL CIC, I guess.
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Submariner Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-07-07 07:38 PM
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5. Fakers suk
When I rode the boats we went places we were not supposed to be on peek-a-boo spy missions, but never got medals/ribbons. Being in the Silent Service meant just that; "Silent". When I got out 4 years later ('69), I had the one medal/ribbon we all got soon after getting in, the very common National Defense medal.

Recently I went on a tour of the Groton Submarine Base, and was astounded at the fruit salad on today's submariners. I saw E-4's with 2 to 3 rows of ribbons. Me thinks some must have bitched and moaned about recognition so they start handing out medals like Halloween candy, or they are being given out as some sort of retention gimmick.

Me...I'm just glad those old WWII diesel boats didn't break up and take me to the bottom with them back in the day. Mission accomplished.

The Navy SEALS have a program of catching the many SEAL fakers, and when they get through embarrassing them, I wouldn't want to be on the same planet.

Faker Army Reserve Maj. Anthony Calderone should be sent to Gitmo to clean latrines.
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