I cannot only imagine how freeing it is for Al Gore to not be constrained by political campaigns, handlers and schedules in his daily life, I can celebrate it because now that he is free of the pretense that goes with it, so am I as a supporter of his. I can let it rip too, and it feels good. No more pretending to like this process and defend it because he is in it. No more feeling the need to sit and argue endlessly over the past that accomplishes nothing in the way of taking action today on a true planetary emergency that trumps all of that triviality. No more feeling obligated to be a part of the sound bite rhetoric that comes with being a political cheerleader. No more being part of draft groups and other associations that try to hijack your thoughts, lie about you, and twist your intentions to suit their own personal wants and needs while they play the same dirty games politicians do.
I can now support this man with my conscience intact and with my heart and soul in the right place. And that is exactly what I am going to do now as I have always wanted to do. As someone who has really always had my heart in supporting this planet as I have done so quietly for the last thirty years myself, it is truly freeing and wonderful to support a man who is now expressing that as well free from the bonds of the very factions that stifled his thoughts on this previously. As we constantly still see on blogs and other venues however, the past is something many people will never get over when it comes to “politics” and much time is expended uselessly in my view in petty arguing over it when the present sits waiting for a reply as the world sinks ever faster into an abyss we will not be able to climb out of unless we get down to business for real now.
In The Assault on Reason, Al Gore places much hope on the Internet and what it can accomplish in that vein as a bastion of freedom in opening a new door to a two way Democratic dialogue in this country that will hopefully lead to that action. And I agree with him that the Internet and its freedom must be preserved as that two way dialogue consisting of citizen journalism as well as debate which the media especially does not wish the people to have as it constrains them and exposes them. However, what good will it be if we are only expending our time on it in a two way dialogue discussing exactly what we see in their vapid reports? If we spend that time with the same 10 second sound bites we see in political campaigns? When we still see the same mean spirited tactics of political operatives displayed on our blogs and other venues with the intention of doing exactly what those nasty campaign ads do?
Should we then not strive to make the Internet not so much like the corporate media and the phony political process that it supports if it is to truly be a place where real Democratic debate followed by effective action happens? Why then is it that on many venues posts about Paris Hilton still get more attention and outrage than posts in which people actually wish to seriously discuss this planetary emergency? Why is it that those who express a sincere support for someone without political pretense are looked down on? Why are polls and the same sound bites we see on cable news shows still so prevalent on the Internet? I say it is not the system that is the problem, it is the people running it and engaging in it for the most part, which is why I support freely Mr. Gore’s endeavors outside of the political arena to change the hearts and minds of people regarding what is truly important now.
The Internet will only eventually be a place where video games, Slingo, useless gossip, and petty nasty political games will become prevalent if the truth we seek is not disseminated in such a way where the urgency of what this planet now faces is seen as paramount in our hearts and minds, to the point where actually emulating the corporate media does not become the downfall of our last bastion of freedom. But those who own the airwaves can still use the Internet as well, so there is our quandary in seeking to beat it.
The planetary emergency that we face now trumps Paris Hilton and ratings. It trumps draft buttons and shirts. It trumps campaigns. It trumps Slingo. It trumps anything else we can imagine right now that is part of this corporate complicit media that has done nothing but brainwash us for the last fifty years into such a stupor, that a percentage of people to this day even with the evidence staring them in their faces still believe that global warming is a hoax and that the government is truly looking out for our wellbeing and safety. So just exactly how are we to beat the all out assault on our reason if we give into the forces doing so even on the Internet?
Well, I think we must become free ourselves from the political pretenses that tend to shape our opinions and guilt us into being a certain person to support a certain candidate. I think we need to give the corporate media the boot on the Internet instead of giving them more airtime by falling into their trap. And I think we need to stop the nasty campaigning on blogs and other venues as they do on our television screens, and actually start discussing issues because we need to find solutions. And while I believe bickering over the past for the most part is futile, learning from it is something we can definitely do.
So thank you once again Mr. Gore for your leadership as a statesman and for now making it OK for supporters of yours to be free of the rhetoric as well that held you back without giving a damn about the backlash. It feels good.