No ultimatums, no foot stomping, no looking for him to word his sentences a certain way in order to know that his heart is firmly set to doing what he has been trying to do for thirty years. This is what he went through the fire to get to. This is the result of him looking into the abyss and seeing his soul and finding his character. And this is what many of us will see when we look into our own abyss if we dare look... The challenge of a lifetime that requires a moral strength unlike anything we have ever seen before. A moral strength that far surpasses the daily political rhetoric, and a moral strength that is sustained like a slow burning fire every day for all our lives because it is kept alive by the search for truth.
That slow burning fire has been at the heart of Mr. Gore's endeavors for the last thirty years, and it is now time for the world to feel that moral strength in their own lives in order for us to be able to face the challenge of this generation and the next generation... the climate crisis. And it is not a crisis that will be solved by next year, or the year after, or the year after. However, it is one that we can and must solve, and in order to do that it will take men and women of conviction, passion, and dedication to see it through.
As a woman who loves my planet and sees the urgency of this cause, I then wholeheartedly pledge my support for Mr. Gore's three year plan to get this message out to change the hearts and minds of people globally in order for us to be able to create such a wave of demand for change that the political world on all ends will have no choice but to go along or be left behind.
I will do all in my power to continue to demand changes in business, government, and in my own daily life that seek to limit GHG and bring about progress.
I will do all in my power to live my life according to the
Live Earth pledge and reduce my own footprint upon this world to leave it a better world for our children and those to come.
And I will do all in my power to be a climate messenger to spread the word and to inspire others in doing what they can to be a part of the solution.
You see, in the last thirty years for Mr. Gore in the political world that was not something rewarded. As he stated on The Big Idea with Donny Deutsch last night, "pre dawn" ideas in politics are not rewarded, they are mocked and discarded as undoable with the evidence and the reason to assess that evidence pushed aside in favor of only doing what politicians believe to be up to the minute sound bites that will get them the most mileage. That is not now how this crisis must be approached, and I agree with Mr. Gore wholeheartedly that this way will be the best way to bring about a political mass not only in this country and abroad to force leaders globally to see that this is not something they have a choice in doing. This is now something that must be done in order to preserve the continued sustainability of our planet in order to be able to sustain the human species and all other species.
There is no more important cause than this. Without that sustainability we have nothing else. Therefore, I look forward to participating in this three year plan with Mr. Gore and all those on board that will transfer into a lifetime of challenges that will be hard but nevertheless rewarding in preserving this precious blue dot we call our home. And I thank Mr. Gore for being the catalyst and the leader of a movement that transcends the boundaries of our moral imaginations for I believe this is truly the greatest undertaking not only of his life, but mine.
And LIVE EARTH TOMORROW starts it all!