Lots of Gore supporters out there, as evidenced in the comments after this bit of flotsam:
Iowa Poll Suggests No Room for Gore
by Jennifer Agiesta
...The Washington Post-ABC News Iowa poll released today suggests that few likely Democratic caucus-goers are clamoring for more choices. Nearly nine in 10 likely voters are satisfied with the Gore-free field of candidates; more than half say they are "very satisfied."
http://blog.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2007/08/03/iowa_poll_suggests_no_room_for.htmlInterestingly enough, when you go to the WaPo link in the article, there's no mention of Gore, and not even a hint that he was mentioned in the poll at all, but there is this:
...Iowa Democrats were also asked to name a second choice. When those results were combined with first choices, the race remained equally tight, with each of the three leading candidates being the first or second choice of about half of those surveyed.
(And what about the other half that were surveyed?)History suggests that these voters are quite willing to change their mind as caucus day approaches and the campaign intensifies with television advertising and more direct engagement among the candidates. In the 2004 Iowa caucus day poll by the National Election Pool, 42 percent of caucus-goers said they made up their mind in the last week of the campaign. Just 30 percent made their final decision more than a month before caucus day...
Seems to me the title of the article should read:
Jennifer Agiesta, Mistress of Obfuscation, Suggests No Room for Gore