Sorry. I couldn't help myself. I saw the birthdate and couldn't help myself. I had to see if there were any astrology charts predicting whether Gore would run and/or win in 2008.
2008 US Presidential Election***
Possibly the most important date in the campaign will be February 5, 2008 -- Mega Tuesday, when over a dozen states hold their Democratic primaries. The candidates must do well on this day for them to go on and win the nomination. Hillary's chart for Mega Tuesday seems quite mixed. Lots of oppositions in the transits which is not usually in a chart of someone who is happy with their performance. And yet her chart for election day is really quite good. She has an excellent configuration of a tertiary progressed Neptune station trining P3 Venus. Hard to see her coming away as a defeated candidate.
But Al Gore's chart is very active at this time. He'll be running Rahu-Moon dasha at the time of the election. Rahu is very well situation exactly conjunct the equal 10th house cusp showing power and status. He's been in Rahu dasha since 1992 when he was VP so this is in keeping with previous trends. Moon subperiod is extremely favourable since it rules the first house and is conjunct Jupiter in the 6th house of competitions. What's also interesting is that he won the VP with Clinton in 1992 while he was in Moon supberiod. Clearly, the Moon is very powerful for Gore. Another point of strength is that Moon is found in the D10 10th house.
The progressions are no less powerful. At the time of the election, P2 part of fortune is conjunct P2 Uranus and exactly opposite P2 Jupiter. Talk about favourable! In November 2008, P3 Jupiter and P3 Neptune will be only 6 months before their stations. In fact, both planets will be making declination stations at the time of the inauguration in January 2009. The P4 picture is even more favourable as there is a very rare 6 planet configuration involving Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu, Uranus, Venus, and Sun all around 25 degrees of their respective signs.
Gore's 2008 solar return is also very promising since his 11th house Venus is picked up by the SR angles, and his SR Moon is bang on his natal descendant. A pretty happy combination. And to top it all off, his chart looks quite excellent at the time of the inauguration on January 20, 2009 with Jupiter and Sun closely aspecting the Ascendant. And at the most likely time of the swearing-in, at 12 noon, the transiting ascendant will be conjoining his natal 10th house Rahu. What better signature is there for being the most powerful person in the world?
rest at: And no. I don't know what half of this means either.