The latest speculation, however, at least among those who support a Gore campaign, is that he may decide to enter the 2008 race late, perhaps in October or early November. It would be a dramatic surprise, and turn the pointless, 600-day long presidential campaign on its head when the most qualified, most visionary candidate shows up to show the rest how politics ought to be done. If Gore were to enter the race in October, especially if he were to win the Nobel Peaze Prize (no small feat), and if Obama were to have the foresight to step down and support him and become the presumed veep, then the Machiavellian Clinton machine could be stopped and we might get a Democratic president and congress with the courage to really stand for something: an internationalist foreign policy dedicated to promoting democracy through peaceful means rather than militarism, a real commitment to eradicating poverty in both the United States and abroad, a universal health care system, sane gun control laws, improved education and, of course, the development of a social and economic structure based on sustainable energy sources so that the country, and the rest of humanity, may have a future.
Gore noted in Singapore that "there is no single candidate that is putting forward a comprehensive argument about the environment or making climate change a priority" in the current presidential race. It was 103 in Atlanta today, the second hottest day on record. The first tornado ever touched down in New York as part of the same heatwave. Gore knows he is the only one who will make the climate crisis a core part of a presidential campaign. He also knows that he was right on the Iraq war when his own party was wrong, that
he has served more time in political office at the federal level than Clinton (7 years), Edwards (6 years) and Obama (3 years) combined. And he knows that he has the opportunity to become the greatest U.S. president since Kennedy, maybe FDR. The country is ready for real social change after the political stagnation of the Reagan and post-Reagan years. As Bob Dylan says,
"you don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows." More blogger speculation about a Gore run (slow news day) but I did like that part about how he has more experience in federal office than the current top three contenders combined AND the last quote by Dylan. :)