He's at Kenner trying to get patients evacuated to Tennessee hopsitals. Gore's earlier efforts were (
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_mesg&forum=104&topic_id=4593583&mesg_id=4593583) were refused according to moof who heard about it on Washington Week in Review.
You know, I have to say it, if the SCOTUS had done its job and ruled correctly back in 2000 we would NOT be in Iraq, the National Guards from across America would be in the affected Gulf states right now - not in a Gulf half way across the world.
I also firmly believe that a Gore administration would have been much more responsive to the hurricane and would have acted before now. Let's face it, Al has been concerned about the affects of globaly warming for years. Any studies he would have asked for would be helping, not hindering research.