Has anybody seen this? LOL. It's hilarious. It's when Al Gore took a visit to the set of the "West Wing." Gore is in the oval office set and he does various things a president would do and sits in the chair a while. At the end of the day the cast is going to go and get sushi and invites Gore to go along but he wants to stay at the desk and lock up. Bradley Whitford (Josh) says "well he did win the popular vote" and the others are like "well that's true" so they leave him and as they're leaving one asks (I think Bradley) "isn't it a little weird?" and someone says "we do have old scripts" and they turn out the lights with him leaning back in the chair with his feet on the desk. It's so cute. You can see it at
http://www.dropdeadred.net/westwingfan/index.php in the download section under video's.