Welcome, Dreamer! Today I carefully read Gore's speech to the Sierra Club in San Francisco. Great leaders are made by desperate times. Washington led the country through the Revolutionary War. Lincoln held the union together. Roosevelt ameliorated poverty in the Great Depression and worked with Churchill to defeat fascism. Now a greater threat than all those combined not only endangers our republic but world civilization, namely global warming.
Gore is the man of the hour. In 2009 when Gore has been re-elected and finally inaugurated, the world will be poised to take the next step beyond Kyoto. This time the US Senate will be ready to do the right thing. As Gore said in San Francisco "political will is a renewable resource."
Gore is the man with a vision for reconciling civilization with the environment, the necessary prerequisite to survival. Not since Bobby Kennedy have we had such a leader with the charisma and the vision to lead the people, IMO. I have never been so proud to be a Democrat!
Here is a short bit from the speech and the link:
"This is a moral moment. This is not ultimately about any scientific debate or political dialogue. Ultimately it is about who we are as human beings. It is about our capacity to transcend our own limitations. To rise to this new occasion. To see with our hearts, as well as our heads, the unprecedented response that is now called for. To disenthrall ourselves, to shed the illusions that have been our accomplices in ignoring the warnings that were clearly given, and hearing the ones that are clearly given now...
There is another side to this moral challenge. Where there is vision, the people prosper and flourish, and the natural world recovers, and our communities recover. The good news is we know what to do. The good news is, we have everything we need now to respond to the challenge of global warming. We have all the technologies we need, more are being developed, and as they become available and become more affordable when produced in scale, they will make it easier to respond. But we should not wait, we cannot wait, we must not wait, we have every thing we need - save perhaps political will. And in our democracy, political will is a renewable resource."