Monday, September 10, 2007
Democrats express optimism during Rollinsford picnic
Democrat Staff Writer
ROLLINSFORD — Another year, and another backyard full of Democrats.But this year's Strafford County Democratic Committee Picnic, held again at the home of Salme and Ken Perry on Sunday afternoon, was a bit different. Optimism was the buzz word last year, and this year, after rousing Democratic victories throughout the state last November, Democrats were a little more than optimistic about their chances in 2008.
Many of those attending the picnic wore stickers endorsing a specific candidate, but Joan Ashwell, Chair of the Strafford County Democratic Committee, said her sense is that most people have not made up their minds about who they'll vote for. She attributes it to having too many good candidates to choose from. "It's kind of an embarrassment of riches," Ashwell said.
Even some candidates who are not running for president were represented at the picnic.
Littleton's Farrel S. Seiler has begun a grass-roots movement to draft former Vice President Al Gore into the presidential race and had a table set-up. So far, his unaffiliated Draft Gore 2008 petition has received more than 1,000 signatures, he said, and the highest percentage of those supporting Gore come from Strafford County.
"We see an opportunity to get into the race a man of world class stature," Seiler said. "I think it's that kind of leadership we need in this country."