Gore Wins 2007 Gothenburg Sustainable Development Award
GOTENBORG, Sweden, September 11, 2007 (ENS) - Above all others, Al Gore has called humanity to save the climate, said the jury for the Gothenburg Award on Sustainable Development, choosing the former U.S. vice president to receive the award for 2007. Gore has "has called humanity to a deeper understanding of our serious situation – and what politicians, executives and all of us can and must do," the jury said.
"The heat is growing, our Planet Earth has got fever," said the jury. "Already this gives rise to extreme weather with drought, cloudburst, hurricanes and misery to hundreds of millions of people. Global warming might dismantle the world economy - if we fail to put a stop to it!"
The Gothenburg Award on Sustainable Development 2007, one million Swedish kronor (US$144,000) aims to "stimulate and encourage strategic work for national and international sustainable development."
The Award was founded by the City of Gothenburg and several interested companies. It is distributed by the city together with Andra AP-fonden, Carl Bennet AB, Elanders AB, Eldan Recycling, Folksam, Götaverken Miljo, Handelsbanken, Nordea, Peab, Schenker AB, SKF, Stena Metall AB. This is the eighth Gothenburg Award.
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