so, monday night was the local party endorsement session. my alderman, and staff, have long ago hopped onto the obama train. however, they have a process for the endorsements, and had all the folks come out, listen to the 5 minute presentations, and vote. if a candidate gets 2/3 of the vote, they are endorsed. if not, it goes to the executive board. i was also asked to join the executive board, and was voted in at the beggining of the meeting. this was my first time. they had asked me several times to do obama stuff, and i had declined, telling them i was holding out for al. i had warned them that i was going to advocate for al, bring buttons, and bumperstickers, etc. they just shrugged and said, fine. i had neglected to ask what the procedure was to speak. although they had asked, as candidates came along in alpha order, if anyone wanted to speak, for biden, for instance, after hillary, i asked if i could have just 1 minute, they said no. i did get my minute at the end. i had talked to people before the meeting. several people had been happy to get the buttons. none knew there was a draft movement happening. it was my bad not to figure out what the drill was. sadly, i was the only one to write in al on the ballot. however, barack missed the 2/3rds, by, yes, one vote. i am out of town most of the week. i do not know when the meeting is, but i did not mention to them that i was going. i feared they would make sure to squeeze the meeting in while i was gone. should be interesting.