MI Draft Gore leaders, Here is Doug and my Press Release on the Conclusion of our Gore Nomination Petition drive. Please forward to your local media, and you can add you name as a local contact person. Thank you all so much for getting us this far. We have a long way to go. If we can help urge the State Dems to use the caucuses, and Chair Mark Brewer informs the Sec. of State by Nov. 14 that we are using the caucuses, then all our recent petitioning work and organizational improvements will place us in a great position to secure many delegates for Gore! Onward, and upward, Bob Alexander This release is attached for easier reading and copying. MI DRAFT GORE URGES DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSES
For Immediate Release: October 23, 2007
Contacts: Bob Alexander, 517-351-0965
Douglas Kelley, 734-662-1731
"Nearly 100 active volunteer petition circulators have enabled us to reach our initial goal of 3,000 nominating petition signatures secured by volunteer circulators, by the October 23 deadline," stated Bob Alexander, Manager of the Petition Drive and Co-Chair of Michigan Draft Gore. "Signatures were gathered in Democratic meetings, outside cultural and sports events, and on the streets of cities and villages throughout Michigan."
"However, despite having received over $2,500 in contributions for the petition drive, we needed an additional $10,000 to hire full-time petition circulators whose work has been essential in successful state-wide petition drives in the past. Thus we did not obtain the 12,396 valid signatures that would have required Al Gore's written approval to place his name on the January 15 primary ballot," concluded Alexander.
"We now urge all Michigan Democrats and Independents to vote in Democratic Party caucuses," said Douglas Kelley, of Ann Arbor, Co-Chair of Michigan Draft Gore. "It is grossly unfair and undemocratic that Michigan Democratic voters who favor Obama, Gore, Edwards, Richardson or Biden won't see their candidate's name on the January 15 primary ballot." Kelley is also a member of the Michigan Democratic Party's state central committee.
"Michigan leaders and supporters of the Draft Al Gore movement are joining with many other Dems to urge the Michigan Democratic Party to bow out of the January 15 presidential primary election and instead hold caucuses throughout the state, as Democrats did in 2004. Caucus Resolutions have been approved by the Kent County, Washtenaw County, and an informal vote of the 12th congressional district, and several county Democratic Chairs voiced their support at the 1st congressional district dinner last Saturday in Grayling," continued Kelley.
"We are doing this out of our conviction that Gore is the best qualified candidate for President," stated Alexander. "We are confident Gore could win either the January 15 Michigan primary or the Michigan Democratic caucuses, in view of the Detroit News statewide poll of 400 likely Democratic voters (August 14): Gore, 36%; H. Clinton, 32%; Obama, 16%; Edwards, 8%." Alexander is also Vice Chair of the 8th congressional district committee and the Democratic candidate for Congress in 2004.
Draft Gore groups in Michigan have been active since June of 2006. They are represented in two national Draft Gore organizations, <AlGore.org> and <AmericaforGore.org> and on the website: <MIvolstodraftgore2008.blogspot.com>.