<I'm going to quote the paragraphs I found interesting,not the first three. Please read the whole thing>
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/13/technology/13gore.html?em&ex=1195275600&en=bbd999d030b1bccb&ei=5087%0AInvestment Firm Names Gore as a Partner
"Paul Kedrosky, a venture capitalist and author of the blog Infectious Greed, said that Mr. Gore’s new role could benefit start-up companies by providing guidance through the political process.
“Anyone who thinks this is happening because Al has fantastic clean-tech entrepreneurial chops is fooling themselves,” Mr. Kedrosky said. Alternative energy “is a policy issue, a political issue, and that requires connections to get things done.”
Mr. Gore “is a political rainmaker,” Mr. Kedrosky said. The association between Kleiner and Mr. Gore “just means that clean tech is an inherently political exercise.”"
Last sentence:
"“I don’t expect to be a candidate again,” he said."