Here's the latest I got this morning from my contact in NH. It really doesn't shed any new light on what was, apparently, a phantom forum. Once again, though, let me remind all who are looking at this, and perhaps can spread the word to their own circle of like-minded folks who want Gore to run, that you can donate to the (still to remain unspecified) NH effort at ActBlue: All $$ donated will help publicize the effort in NH. And, since the "forum" is not happening on Dec. 19, watch for a significant announcement from NH on Dec. 17. At that point, all will become obvious. I really don't want to sound too mysterious here, but the NH coordinator has set that date to take advantage of all the Gore publicity that will come next week with his receiving the Nobel on Monday (with an hour interview/Q&A on CNN at 11 EST) and then Gore's appearance at Bali on Dec. 14. It's anticipated there will be a lot of Gore news, then, over that week-end. The news on the 17th will try to piggy-back on all of that.
The message below was posted to the Gore netroots blog as an
explanation of what happened to the Gore/Schwarzenegger New
Hampshire Global Warming Forum.
Gore's New Hampshire Global Warming Forum: the Back Story.
"It was never scheduled therefore it wasn't cancelled." That's how
Kalee Kreider, Gore's spokesperson, explains how the New Hampshire
Global Warming Forum became a "non-event".
In early November, it was implied by some anonymous staffer in
Nashville that continued ballot initiatives could jeopardize the success
of the New Hampshire Forum itself.
In fact, in the days following the leak by McCain, no details about
the New Hampshire forum were revealed. No organizations in NH were
contacted to become hosts. Despite repeated efforts, there was never
any confirmation that the Forum would even take place. Schwarzenegger,
apparently, couldn't get any other Republican candidates to agree to
participate. McCain then began running radio ads in New Hampshire
tauting his conversion to stopping Global Warming.
When pressed yesterday for an explanation, Kreider continues: "I have
been a bit busy with the Nobel, the Bali treaty talks, the energy
bill, and the Lieberman Warner bill." In other words, why waste time
with an explanation.