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Making a list of the current talking points being used 'against' Gore.

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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-19-07 02:11 AM
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Making a list of the current talking points being used 'against' Gore.
So far, I have:

1)Gore has stated that he isn't running in 2008/has slammed the door.

2)Gore isn't running because he is devoting himself to environmental issues exclusively.

3)Gore isn't running because Hillary Clinton is.

4)Gore is a hypocrite, because he flies in a private plane/has a large house/etc.

I have already started making reference points to refute #1 here:
and will post them in replies to this thread for convenience for others.

The ONLY refutation I have to #2 is the videos at Current tv. Help here would be appreciated, if you see something I don't.

The refutation to #3 is in the Vanity Fair article from this past fall (source needed atm); and also in the Larry King interview from, I believe, May 22nd 2007.
AND in an NPR interview here:

I am almost completely uneducated about #4, except for the story I posted here about his house:

I just thought it might be good to get all the relevant links/quotes in one place, for ease of use if needed. I am getting really tired of people asserting that they know for sure that these above statements are true, and getting almost NO challenge from anyone except a few of us.

Please add points, links and quotes as you feel necessary. Thanks!

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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-26-07 07:42 PM
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1. LINK to LARRY KING transcript:
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