I am going to post the 1st one here. (W/o the comments)
Al Gore Serves as Pitch Man, Takes On Karl RoveSince the Democrats' strategy for increasing their majority in the House is to run against President Bush's policies (again), who better to help them make the case than the Man Who Won the Popular Vote, Mr. Al Gore himself?
Gore already has helped the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee with email and direct-mail solicitations. Today, the Nobel Peace Price and Academy Award winner sent out a hard-hitting email pitch with the subject: "The Truth."
"The truth is it took years to drive our country so far off track and it will take a lot of hard work and determination to get it back on track," Gore writes, winding up for the big pitch.
Condemning "Karl Rove and his Republican hatchet men," Gore writes: "This perverse political culture -- dangerously hostile to reason and knowledge -- is what enabled George W. Bushto use fear and lies to mislead our nation into the Iraq war, ignore the threat of global warming, block promising stem cell research and ignore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
Gore implores Democratic donors to give now so their contributions will count toward the Democrats' crucial end-of-year fundraising reports. (And - bonus - if they do, the DCCC, the House Democratic fundraising arm, will "DOUBLE your gift.")
While he sits out the 2008 presidential campaign, the former vice president has been "helpful in a variety of different ways" to the DCCC, says one Democratic operative, and there are "possible plans in the works for other things."
http://blog.washingtonpost.com/sleuth/2007/12/al_gore_takes_on_karl_rove.htmlIs the 2nd article titled, "The New New Hampshire Voter"?