A 2 day old poll, which has already garnered 1,444 votes, shows Democratic Presidential aspirant Mark Warner to be far behind other contenders for 2008. The poll pits Hillary Clinton, Russ Feingold, Al Gore, Dennis Kucinich, and Mark Warner against one another in a popularity contest. Currently, Feingold and Gore have been exchanging leads, with Dennis Kucinich making a very strong showing. The poll is run by Keith Shirey and progressive2008. The web site address is Http://www.progressive2008.com Instructions are to click on "straw poll" in order to vote. Shirey, who owns the web site, stated,"I am not surprised at the high turnout, over the years I've sold buttons and bumper-stickers to thousands of progressives who periodically visit my web site to see the latest merchandise. It's gratifying to know that this poll is of significance because it has gotten more people to vote in two days, than other polls - who get internet commentary - have in several weeks.
Shirey, a long time political activist, who was Dennis Kucinich's merchandise supplier and commercial web site owner for the Congressman's 2004 run for the presidency, said he expected Kucinich's vote to be somewhat inflated because of his past connection to Kucinich. "But what really surprises me is the low voter turnout for Warner and Clinton," stated the Professor Emeritus Of Political Science. When asked why he sold Gore, and Feingold 2008 bumper stickers from the web site, but none for Warner or Clinton he stated, " I haven't had requests for Warner stickers, when I do, I'll design one and sell them. As far as Ms. Clinton's supporters are concerned, when they see the extremely progressive content of my web site, I doubt that they'll want to buy anything from me. I do hope, however, that they'll show up to vote in the poll at progressive2008."
To make the poll as fair as possible, progressive2008 is posting notifications and sending e-mails to groups that can be identified as supporting the candidates in the straw poll voting. "Obviously some of these groups have already been energized," stated Shirey.
For further information please contact norepression@yahoo.com and title your e-mail "Concerning Straw Poll."