We are just over a week from the NH primary and things are tighter than a tick in the eye of a needle between Hillary and Barack. I think Edwards trails a bit in the polls there. As you probably know, those 3 are in a tie, basically, in Iowa. Depending on the outcome in Iowa, a lot of the folks in NH are looking at their vote on the 8th as a way to really slow down any Hillary bandwagon. When she was way ahead in the NH polls, most folks thought a vote for Gore was a vote away from Hillary. With Barack now just about even with Hillary, now folks think that a vote for Gore will potentially be a vote away from Barack and might let Hillary win. That seems to be the general consensus, anyway. As you might gather from that (and perhaps your own feelings) "anyone-but-Hillary" is not an unpopular sentiment, especially among those supporting Gore. And, I actually suspect some of the Hillary support would melt real fast if Gore were actually in the race.
But, to peel voters away from Barack (or Edwards or Richardson) to write in Gore's name on the primary ballot is getting more and more difficult. I've made probably 200+ calls to folks in NH and (besides leaving lots of messages) was getting a not very positive response from folks who had been Gore supporters in the past. Most of those who had switched had gone to Obama. There were still a decent number who were sticking with Gore (at least in the phone conversation) but I'm not sure how steady that support was.
Regardless, I am still going to NH on Wednesday (Jan. 2) and will be there at least until Sunday and maybe until after the primary. In addition to trying to get a decent showing for Gore as a write-in, the strategy seems to be shifting a bit now and is focusing on getting one of more of the other candidates to state a clear, convincing position on the global climate change issue. To see if there is any success in that effort, keep track of the news coming out of NH on Friday and the Democratic debate on Saturday. There will be a big dinner on Friday at which all the Dem. candidates will be present (presumably) and there may be a number of us with signs showing support for Gore outside that event. The same with the debate on Saturday.
I will keep in touch with the DU Gore group from NH. If you have specific questions that you don't want to air in DU, feel free to send me a personal e-mail. I'll try to respond as quickly as possible.