with the press release. I had thought if they were going to do this it was going to be somewhat earlier than this. In any case, I do think Edwards has a good stand on the environment, although none of them really spoke passionately about it at the debate on Saturday night. Actually, at this point, any help any of the 3 leaders get is probably good in order to send this into a brokered convention in Denver. Then, we get Gore coming in as the compromise and we're all very happy. (I can still dream, can't I.) For myself, I'm going to help out Obama here in NY to see if we can "embarass" Hillary in her home state. I think with his current momentum, Obama probably has the strongest chance to come close or beat Hillary in NY. The Edwards web site for getting people connected here in the Rochester area was much harder to find and use than the Obama site. That tells me that Obama is better organized, at this point, in NY.