I'm not savvy enough with this computer stuff to get the actualy scanned items into the post, so I just copied the text in both cases so you can at least see what Farrell is aiming for. Hope this makes sense.
Rod: 12 February 2008 The Obama/Clinton contest is creating enormous divisions and rekindling old animosities - men vs. women; black vs. brown vs. white; young vs old; "experience" vs. "change". Obama and Clinton will continue to slug it out for delegates --- jeopardizing a Democratic victory in November. (Can our nation survive another four years of a lawless Republican administration?) Realistically, neither Clinton nor Obama will have enough delegates to secure the Democratic party's nomination. A divided party cannot beat John McCain. AI Gore can lead Democrats to victory in November. Only AI Gore can unite all Democrats and lead progressives to victory over John McCain and conservative Republicans in Congress. AI Gore is the most respected Democrat in public life. He's a leader of world stature. AI Gore has the courage to take on the tough issues: global warming, Iraq, constitutional protections and other critical problems facing our nation. (Even Obama and Clinton say nice things about him!) Let's draft Al Gore Now ... before McCain gains momentum. How? A write-in campaign for Gore in the Vermont primary on March 4 day will show the nation that there is huge support for him at the grassroots. A large voter turnout for AI Gore is the quickest way to show America that Democrats already have an electable candidate for president. There are just three weeks until the Vermont primary. But we need to show Vermont voters that AI Gore is an electable alternative to Obama and Clinton ... and John McCain. Success in the Vermont primary can start an unstoppable nationwide draft movement. A Vermont victory will immediately make AI Gore a major presence in states with delegate contests from now through June. To organize successful primary campaigns in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas and other key primary states, we need your help ...and we need it fast. (McCain is already uniting Republicans and organizing a national campaign.) .A $50, $]00, or $200 or more contribution to the Draft Gore Primary Write-in Campaign is crucial to getting Al Gore the nomination. Your donation will fund write-in vote campaigns in 11 states: Your contribution will pay for voter lists, telephone banks, yard signs and get-out-the-vote efforts to bring primary voters to the polls for Gore. ~ontribution t ay. Start AI Gore on the road to the White House. -Farrell S. Seiler, National Write-In Coordinator
VOlUNTEER FOR GORE. _.~'- Yes. I want to show my continuing support for AI Gore. AI Gore is still the best person to lead our nation and to repair our image throughout the world. First Last. _ Address _ City State __ Zip _ Email Tel _ Yes. I want to help Vermont voters Write-in AI Gore's name on the March 4 Primary ballot: o Raise funds for the Write-In Campaign o Help pay for radio, newspaper, TV ads o Post a yard sign o Telephone Gore supporters in Vermont o Host a House Party; show An Inconvenient Truth o Write letters to the editor o Work at the polls on Primary Day Mail To: Draft Gore USA, PO Box 583, St Johnsbury, VT 05819 • volunteer@DraftGoreUSA.com