I'm getting really concerned that as time goes on, it looks more and more like Obama is going to win the nomination. My hope was for no candidate having enough delegates going into the convention to win, thus forcing a brokered convention with Gore coming out as the nominee. I do believe if we have a brokered convention, he would be the obvious choice. As it stands right now, I'm going to vote clinton on March 4th, to try to get her a win in Ohio and a better chance for a brokered convention.
If we end up with either of them actually having enough delegates at the convention for a win, I pray that somehow, some way. Gore could be persuaded to run as an independent. Third party or independent candidates are usually doomed to obscurity, but this would be different. I believe he would win going up against McCain plus a Dem nominee. (Obviously he would win if he were the Dem nominee.)
I'm so worried about the future of this country, and the world, if Obama, Clinton or McCain wins the GE.
BTW, did you see that selfish, egotistical insect Nader has declared his candidacy again? Isn't it about 8 years past the time he should have retired?