Here is my letter to my contacts, as it now stands. Embedded within the letter, is the letter I will send to Howard Dean and the others. I'm fairly satisfied with it as it now stands, and yet I feel it is too long. I'm going to sleep on it before sending it out tomorrow. I'm open to suggestions from any of you. Thanks in advance!
Dear Friends,
I know that many of you share my concern about the current state of the Democratic Party and our chances for success in the Presidential and other elections this fall. The party is more divided than I have ever seen it in my voting life. Both the remaining presidential candidates are battle-scarred and will likely become even more so between now and the convention. We face a very real and very frightening prospect that John McCain might be elected president and that irreparable harm might be done to our party. I have been searching for something I can do about this worrisome state of affairs and have hatched a plan along with some other people on Democratic Underground.
I am proposing that we need a better nominee to unite our party and win in November. We need Al Gore.
How can we have Al Gore as our nominee? It all depends on the super delegates. Without the super delegates, there is a very strong possibility that neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton will have the requisite 2, 024 delegates needed to win the nomination. Here is a very handy delegate counter device where you can test out various scenarios and see for yourself how likely it is that neither will earn the nomination without super delegates: the super delegates sit out the first ballot, Gore can be put into nomination on the second ballot. A deal can be struck among the party leaders and Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. Many people have proposed various shapes that deal can take. I will leave those specifics to the party leaders. The key factor is that either Clinton or Obama, or preferably and quite possibly both, will direct their delegates to vote for Al Gore.
Will Gore accept the nomination? I feel certain he will. He has never closed the door on serving as President. In fact, he said in Oslo to CNN, "I haven't ruled out the idea of getting back into the political process at some point in the future. I don't expect to. But if I did get back, it would be as a candidate for president, not in any other position." ( When presented with the argument that his candidacy is best for the party, the country, and the world, he will put aside personal considerations and accept the call to duty.
This idea has already been mentioned in many places in the mainstream media. Here are a couple links to examples: can we do? We can let the super delegates know how we feel. Here is the letter I have sent to Howard Dean, Jimmy Carter, Nancy Pelosi, Donna Brazile, Bill Richardson and Sherrod Brown. In the coming weeks, I plan to send this letter to all the super delegates from my state, Ohio.
Dear Dr. Dean,
I’m writing to you today because of my serious concern for the outcome of the Presidential Election this November and for the future of our party. Both of the remaining candidates for the Democratic Party nomination for President are battle-scarred. The party is more divided than it has been at any time in my voting life. If we nominate either Senator Clinton or Senator Obama, I feel we will lose the presidency and likely many down-ticket races this November.
The primary process has failed us this cycle. From an extremely talented field, we have remaining only two very unelectable candidates. Open primaries have been vulnerable to manipulation by non-Democrats. There is a disconcerting trend for caucus states to have been won by one candidate and primary states to have been won by another. Media influence has not been beneficial. Race and gender issues have taken precedence over qualifications and stands on issues. We are not just divided, we are bitterly divided. Those that don’t support either of these candidates are left shaking our heads and wondering how we could have ended up here.
We need a better nominee. We need a nominee who:
∑ Was against the Iraq War from before day one.
∑ Has a stellar resume.
∑ Is respected across the country and around the world.
∑ Who understands and respects our constitution and abhors the damage done to it by eight years of the Bush administration.
∑ Who understands the threat of global warming and has been able to focus attention and ignite action against it.
∑ Who has a long and very successful history of winning elections.
∑ Who can unite our party.
∑ Who can draw in independents and many Republicans.
∑ Who can win this election.
We need Al Gore.
It is becoming very apparent that neither Senator Clinton nor Senator Obama can win the nomination without the super delegates. You can influence the nomination by influencing the actions of the super delegates. If the super delegates sit out the first ballot, Vice-President Gore can be nominated on the second ballot. A deal can be struck among all involved for the good of the party and the nation.
Many, many people would have chosen Mr. Gore in the primaries had that option been available to us. Many would have voted for another of the original candidates had those candidates not been eliminated so early on. Those that support Ms. Clinton and Mr. Obama will accept a Gore nomination readily when the proper deal is struck and their candidates endorse that deal.
Will Al Gore accept the nomination? I feel he will. When approached by the leaders of the party and asked to serve for the good of the party, the country, and the world, he will respond to the call to duty, regardless of personal considerations. I hope that you and other influential leaders have already been in touch with him, laying the groundwork for this possibility.
This election is extremely important. The damage that has been done in the past eight years will be very difficult to overcome. We need a president capable of taking on the task. Our nation may never overcome its debilitated condition if we don’t elect Democrats up and down the ticket this November. Please take the strongest of actions to ensure that our nation has a chance to recover.
Sincerely, Please join me in writing to each of these people. Contact information is below. I recommend a tangible letter on paper if possible because it makes more of an impression. Please write the letter in your own words and feel free to use any or all of the points I have made here. If you are able to, please go beyond writing to these people and write to all the super-delegates in your state. Please forward this letter to everyone you know. Please post it everywhere you can. I’m dropping this letter into the public discourse in the hopes that it will act as a pebble dropped into a pond. Please drop your own pebbles.
Thank you,
Andrea Studebaker
Dr. Howard Dean
Chair, Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003
President Jimmy Carter
The Carter Center
One Copenhill
453 Freedom Parkway
Atlanta, GA 30307
Rep. Nancy Pelosi
235 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Governor Bill Richardson
Office of the Governor
490 Old Santa Fe Trail
Rm 400
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Donna Brazile
c/o Leading Authorities, Inc.
1220 L St. NW
Suite 850
Washington, DC 20005
Senator Sherrod Brown
455 Russell Senate Office Bldg.
Washington, DC 20510