Posted March 10, 2008 | 05:23 PM (EST)
While all the polls had eggs on their faces after this real head-scratcher on Tuesday -- Zogby, for example, seemed to be giving it to Obama by a nose in Texas and Clinton by a nose in Ohio, or it may have been vice versa, so many conflicting predictions filled the airwaves -- I was the only pundit who managed to escape without a drop of the yellow stuff.
My scenario said it didn't matter whether Hillary won or lost in Ohio and Texas by a nose or an ear. She would emerge victorious when those hack politicians would go into a phone booth in Denver and have a miraculous transformation. Faster than a speeding bandwagon, stronger than a steamroller -- no, it's Superdelegateperson!
Whatever position superdelegates were taking, as they faced the wonderful third-degree spotlight questioning by the media about where they stood or lay down on Obi and Hill, the old dropping-the-file-on-the- desk trick would determine their eventual vote. Harold Ickes and his crack team of fact-finders had been gathering raw material on the politicians' anointed superdelgate-ship. When push came to shove, they would be shoved to give Clinton the nomination, if not by acclamation. There are those who say this scenario is poppycock. "The Clintonistas will not able to use the no-holds-barred tactics," explained R. B. Bernstein, Adjunct Professor of Law at New York Law School. "The Old Guard will step in and disarm them and turn reluctantly to the rising young kid. They are so fixated on the goal of getting Bush out of the White House they will use it as a lodestar to guide their behavior."