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Interesting Gore quote

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Andrea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-31-08 08:40 PM
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Interesting Gore quote
This is from the Washington Post article about the new ad campaign. I am looking forward to the ad campaign. The ads look so clever and well made that they'll get me to stop the DVR.

I noticed this quote and thought it was interesting:

"The simple algorithm is this: It's important to change the light bulbs, but it's much more important to change the laws," he said. "The options available to civilization worldwide to avert this terribly destructive pattern are beginning to slip away from us. The path for recovery runs right through Washington, D.C."

Given that, who better to have directing the traffic in Washington, DC?

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Andrea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-31-08 09:04 PM
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1. I just noticed this, too
From John Podesta, in the same article:

"This will be played out on the candidate level, but also among an array of parties who have a stake in the outcome," Podesta said. "Without presidential leadership, you're left with a regional division and a partisan division that's likely to produce movement, but not the bold kind of change that's needed. You need a president for that."
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IndyOp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-06-08 08:57 AM
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2. I just worked the lightbulb/law phrase into a statistics assignment...
Where there is a will there is a way!

My research question and description of the experimental design for a two-independent sample analysis is:

The Alliance for Climate Protection is about to begin a major ad campaign to inform the public about the urgency of the climate crisis. Their main theme is: First, change a light bulb and then change a law. They will work to explain, in a series of ads, why we must each individually take the small steps we can in our daily lives (use energy efficient light bulbs…) and why we must participate in our government to change the laws so that the energy we use in our homes comes from clean sources of energy.

The first ad they’ve created, “Black Balloons,” shows balloons expanding inside homes and escaping into the sky as we use energy to cook and clean. (Of course, the carbon dioxide created by burning coal is not released inside homes – it is released at the plant where the coal is burned. Still, the carbon dioxide and other pollutants do go into the atmosphere – into the air we must all breathe - and exacerbates the climate crisis.)

Are U.S. Citizens who’ve seen the “Black Balloons” ad more likely to take action to push their state and federal representatives to pass bold new legislation to combat the climate crisis? Before airing the ad nationwide, The Alliance tests its effectiveness.

A study was conducted in which 40 people, randomly selected by a public relations firm, were asked to view the “Black Balloons” ad and then were contacted one month later to ask how many actions they had taken in that month to influence their representatives (called the office, signed a petition, donated to a group pressuring congress, visited their representative’s office, helped educate other community members…). Another randomly selected 40 people were called to ask how many actions they had taken the same month.

Black Balloon ad:


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