Galore: What to Believe? - 4/3/2008
Rumors Are Flying: A Statement from Draft Gore
April 3 — Over the past few days a number of speculative articles and rumors have made news that put forth varying scenarios involving former Vice President Al Gore. Some came from the media, others even involved statements from a presidential candidate. Many of you wrote us and asked what to believe.
In our opinion, that's all these rumors are: speculation. None of them came from Vice President Gore or sources close to him, and most run contrary to what he has stated publicly and repeatedly.
We've read that Vice President Gore is considering an endorsement of one candidate or another ... that he may act as broker between Clinton and Obama … that he may be asked to serve in a new administration in 2009 ... that he's favoring one candidate or another because of private phone conversations … or even that he's being considered for the #2 spot on an Obama ticket.
Nothing remotely close to any of these scenarios has come from Al Gore himself. In fact, he has stated the exact opposite at various times, including in an interview on 60 Minutes just last Sunday.
Mr. Gore is on record as having stated the following:
• He does not intend to endorse either of the Democratic candidates anytime soon.
• He is not interested in a cabinet position in a future administration.
• He has not permanently closed the door to seeking public office, but the only office he would consider again would be the presidency.
• He does not plan to act as broker at the convention.
• He is in contact with both Democratic presidential contenders and has expressed no preference for one or the other.
We find all speculation that runs contrary to his stated positions interesting, but would never consider it a harbinger of Al Gore's plans.