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Plan B: Al Gore

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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Apr-19-08 06:43 PM
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Plan B: Al Gore
The Daily Texan

According to current Rasmussen Reports, polls show that John McCain would have a slight edge over Democratic candidates in a general election. It seems as if the negative exposure Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have received because of their constant, incestuous bickering has caused the Democrats to be left with two exposed, very beatable candidates. Now, the hype of the "dream ticket" the liberals once proudly boasted of seems to have dissipated.


As the Democratic National Convention creeps closer, the self-destructing Democrats are running out of options. Right now, it seems as if the numbers support Obama's eventual nomination. However, while many college students will be overjoyed by that prospect, many Americans are still skeptical of the once unconventional, ostensibly invincible nominee. Compared to McCain, he looks like an inexperienced, uninformed, albeit more attractive and younger candidate. His recent comments about "bitter" small town citizens and his relationship with a divisive pastor have ostracized some working-class white citizens and hurt him in the polls, as reflected by McCain's climb in many general polls.

However, the Democrats have not tapped all their resources. They still have a couple of tricks up their sleeves - it's just a matter of whether or not they actually want to win.

In an unprecedented move, I would advise the party's elders to look elsewhere for their candidate. With both current contenders' transformation into damaged goods, a fresh face might reenergize the party and offer the hope and change that Democrats all believed in just a few months ago. Their new candidate must be a qualified, knowledgeable man who has had experience in politics before. Also, he must be well-liked and possess a good reputation among the party's elite.

I can only think of one person who fits this bill. It is a man who could potentially salvage the Democratic Party from eventual extinction - and it just so happens that he has honed his superhero skills in recent years by attempting to save the human race from annihilation as well. Yes, the right person for the Democrats to elect as their nominee should be the savior of the planet, Nobel Peace Prize-winner and former almost-president of the United States, Al Gore.


*THE reason I post this particular opinion piece is that it comes from a CONSERVATIVE out of TEXAS.
Of course, to be taken with some salt...
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Andrea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-20-08 02:32 AM
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1. I read this, too
There is something strange in this piece. Toward the end, he says that Dodd is on board with this plan. That was news to me. I couldn't find any reference to that online. I emailed the editor, because there was no contact info for the author at the website. I asked for a reference on this. I made my letter very plain, just asking for info, and didn't indicate anything about who I support or what party I'm in. I didn't get critical about it, just asked for the info. They never answered me.

It says that the author is only a freshman, so we can forgive him some mistakes, but sheesh, what are they teaching these kids in J-School? You would think they would have at least responded with some kind of explanation. I'm still wondering if the kid heard it somewhere, got the name wrong, or just made it up out of whole cloth.

Does anyone know of anything anywhere that indicates that Dodd has come out for a Gore draft? That would be huge news for us, if true.
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