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lildreamer316 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-24-08 04:52 PM
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Gore Fest
The democratic race is getting messy, which can only mean one thing: it’s time to recruit Al Gore
April 24, 2008 3:55:09 PM

In the wake of Barack Obama’s defeat in Pennsylvania on Tuesday, the Democrats have a huge problem. On the one hand, they have a front-runner who hasn’t won a single one of the major primary states other than his own, who’s a neophyte on the national scene, and who has enormous difficulties attracting the white, non–college educated voters he needs to win. On the other, there’s Hillary Clinton — a candidate who has greatly diminished her stature on the campaign trail, who faces huge liabilities of her own (in part because of her gender and in part because of Clinton fatigue), and whose chances of winning in November would require her to thread an Electoral College needle.

Furthermore, the long, bitter campaign has produced an untenable result: a large portion of each camp’s supporters now say they are unlikely to support the intra-party rival should their candidate not win the nomination.

Therefore, if the Democrats want to have their best chance to win an election in November that six months ago it looked like they couldn’t lose, they may have only one option at this point: they can turn to Al Gore.

..more (lots more!)
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Andrea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Apr-24-08 06:28 PM
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1. Great article
Thanks Lildreamer!
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