However, I warn you they may seem like grasping at straws. I saw this mentioned as significant on more than one site, so I'm posting about it. Make of it what you will.
Seems Dean was on Meet The Press today. Here's a DUer's summary of what he said. I also saw a basically same summary at another site. If you want me to dig for exact quotes and vid, I can; let me know.
"Sounds like Dean is changing his tune ..Now he is saying that the Super D's don't have to consider the elected delegates. They will consider who is most electable. Sounds like Hillary's argument to me. He did dismiss the idea of popular vote. He did add that as long as he has been going to conventions that the super delegates have not voted against what the elected delegates said. However, Tim asked him several times over and over again if the Super D's could basically overlook who had the most support (meaning elected,popular votes,etc) and he said yes. He was also asked did he think there would be damage if they took it away from the person with most pledged delegates and Dean said we should not look at it like that. He said the rules say the most delegates."
at the other site, the comment was: "Meet the Press ... Dean. He said that Super Delegates are no different than Delegates and if they nominate the candidate without the popular vote is fair and just."
So it seems that Dean is possibly starting to make the case for the supers voting for who they think is best, etc. It seems to have pricked up some ears,anyway. I'll be watching the blogs for further mention. Right now many are taking it as a way of shooing Hillary in the door, but I don't think they are seeing the big picture.
ANYway, the other thing that happened today was on Stephanopoulos's show. Donna Brazile was on. According to the watcher comment:
Did anyone catch {him}asking Donna Brazile in a roundtable discussion about the Gore scenario?
She avoided the question directly, but she did say about how the popular vote is important, but the Super Delegates want to win (or something like that)."
So someone else replied with a link to the video. The relevant part is around the 10.30 minute mark. person thought that if you watch the entire segment, Donna is actually making arguments in favor of Gore throughout the whole thing, but without actually mentioning his name.
So, I offer these extremely small tidbits for your chewing pleasure. Make of them what you will, or nothing at all, but I thought they might be worth a note.