I was going to ignore it, but it is spreading in the conservative blogsphere like wildfire, so I figured I'd better note it and start gathering the resources to dismantle it, just in case.
The new thing is that Al Gore is responsible for the world food crisis (which, I will note, is itself in question of being just a manufactured/planned {!!} panic by a run on futures) because of his support for ethanol. It pretty much started with a blogger who says he was joking: . .the above is tongue-in-cheek, a mockery of certain lefties’ overuse of terms like “crimes against humanity” and their eagerness to resort to international law against people they dislike for political reasons."
His original 'joke'& the addendum:
http://instapundit.com/archives2/018390.phpHE himself puts up the TRUTH at the bottom of the page: "It's also worth noting that Al Gore -- now that he's no longer running for anything -- has in fact distinguished between food-based ethanol and ethanol from more practical sources like waste biomass."
Anyway, of course the right-wing blogs jumped on en-masse; if you do a search you will see gobs of them repeating the idea. Look for Faux News to grab it next.
Here's a good rebuttal blog with links, from *GASP* The American Conservative!!
Hey, I take a well-sourced & fairly truthful article where I can find it, thank you.
http://www.amconmag.com/blog/2008/04/26/irate/So keep your eyes open and the sources close at hand. This could be part of the gearing up for attack, you never know. I'll be adding to this post as I find info. Feel free to do the same.