Published: Sunday, May 4, 2008
The presidential race leaves a lot to be desired, in this writer's mind.
Aren't there any other qualified, experienced, clear-headed, good men out there who have the will to become this nation's chief executive, who have experience with foreign policy, who are against the war in Iraq that this present, bumbling, stumbling administration got us into by telling barefaced lies to the American people?
On one hand, the Democrats feature a woman whose only political experience was being married to a former president. Her very short tenure in the Senate and the many votes she's made make her appear weak, not presidential timber at all.
And now we come to Barack Obama, a young senator with absolutely no foreign policy experience, in fact, no experience whatsoever that would qualify him in any way, shape or form as the leader of this nation.
I can think of only one man who has the experience, having served as vice president and foreign policy liaison, and has met and dealt with world leaders.
This man is Al Gore.