Are you saying that possibly she could be staying in up until the convention to create some chaos and let someone else walk away with the nomination (and all of us hope that the someone would be Gore)?
I think it is possible. I don't know how probable, but I think it could be. While there's no question that there's been animosity between the Clintons and the Gores, I haven't heard anything recently that would indicate that it's still a hot issue with them. When I saw Al speak here in Columbus a few weeks ago, he mentioned Bill Clinton a couple times and I would characterize his tone as warm.
I don't think Hillary would do this without having something to gain for herself. I've never questioned that a Gore/Clinton ticket wouldn't work. But, your post is making me rethink that. After all the animosity between Clinton and Obama in this campaign, she might be willing to take a second seat to Gore just to prevent Obama from winning.
Also, I remember reading something quite a long time ago. I think it was in Rolling Stone. It was a rather lengthy article about the '92 campaign, with a lot of behind the scenes detail about the bus trip that they all took together (I think they did the bus tour right after the convention if I remember right). There was lots of depiction of the fun the four of them had together on that trip. Lots of talk about jokes and laughter and high hopes. Just thinking about some of my own experiences, I think that when times are tough, I tend to remember the good times with people from my past and those good memories overshadow any intervening difficulties.
I'm just thinking that it could be possible that in the face of this campaign and all the bad blood between her and Obama, that the past problems between her and Gore pale in comparison and she might be warming up to him. As to his side of the equation, I tend to think that Gore is smart enough and pragmatic enough that his choice would be based on whether he thinks they could be an effective team more than on any kind of grudge or hurt feelings he might be harboring.
It's a long shot, but I'll take a Gore nomination any way I can get it. As I've said before, I don't care who the VP is, I just want Gore at the top of the ticket and in the White House for the next eight years.
Thanks, Lildreamer, for proposing this intriguing idea.
BTW, for anyone who didn't hear this, RFK Jr. is on the record with having no problem with the comment Clinton made.