I know that sounds crazy, but if you'll bear with me, I can explain what I mean by that. I, too, was one of the teenagers in the '80's that was terrified that I would grow up and not have any music I could enjoy. The real deal with the PMRC, it turns out, was that they wanted to rate the music. For teens like me, at the time, it meant I didn't have to search so hard to find the most offensive stuff to listen to for rebellion purposes. That's not censorship. It's just a system put in place to make sure, say, that your children aren't listening to something like Rahowa, without you being aware of it.
That's the liberal way to deal with "offensive" material. Now, flash forward to now and Fox News. The conservative way is to say nothing yet censor the hell out of everything, especially the news, which, let's face it, controls what many people in our country think, through sound bytes. Hence, Fox News, the best example of out and out right wing propoganda since the nazis' Hitler Youth campaign. They propogate lies and incite hatred. They show some of the most violent video footage, including the 9/11 jumpers over and over again. Yet, they have no rating and sure didn't warn anyone before showing that. Not to mention this little flub up where they blurred out a woman's breasts, but lookie what they missed at the other end.
http://homepage.mac.com/mjsmitho/FoxNewsPornSlip/FoxOpps.htmlThere are no ratings whatsoever on the news and Fox claims to be the morally superior news channel, yet they showed that. The most reactionary people of them all when it comes to "offensive" material are by far the conservatives. And what conservative parent would keep their kid from watching Fox News? Food for thought there.
That's just my way of looking at it.