You must read this article in it entirity. I am not going to allow his lies to go unchallenged. I am too angry at this moment to respond to him, but I have included his contact information for anyone wishing to do so. Please pass this information to any Al Gore groups that you are working with.
The Strange World of Al Gore
By Alan Caruba on Feb 18, 07
There have been many times in his long public career when I have wondered whether Al Gore is just plain stupid or, as the British say, barking mad.
At some point, his neighbors and fellow Tennessee citizens must have concluded Gore was intellectually defective because, in his run for the presidency in 2000, he failed to get that State’s plurality. Maybe it had something to do with that long, long, long kiss he gave Tipper before accepting the nomination of his party? That was bizarre.
No one wants to admit that they may have voted for someone who is seriously stupid. Those who voted for Bush may have misgivings, but at least he does not go around saying the world is coming to an end from global warming while the nation and large parts of the globe are in the grip of bone-chilling cold and deep drifts of snow and ice.
Gore, however, bestrides the world making speeches and documentaries, and writing books while the rest of us give thanks he no longer has access to the power public office bestows. Indeed, in general, Al Gore is an object of ridicule, but that does not release us from the obligation to actually think about what he is doing and saying.
~ snip ~ for the rest of the article his personal website
Contact info:
Alan Caruba
The Caruba Organization
28 West Third St. (Apt 1321)
South Orange, NJ 07079
(973) 763-6392