Patriots for Al Gore Announces Full Support for Mr. Gores Environmental Efforts
Auburn, Illinois
March 4, 2007
Patriots for Al Gore, a Federal PAC started in 2004 to support Mr. Gore’s endeavors, announces its full support of Mr. Gore’s environmental efforts regarding addressing the climate crisis. We also pledge to do all in our power this year to help him seek legislation in the U.S. Congress, see more states come on board with sustainable goals, and more citizens enlightened and informed about the truly urgent state of our planet’s health in order to spur effective action on their part on a grassroots level to mitigate its affects.
PFG believes that the work Mr. Gore is now doing is not only necessary but crucial to the future sustainability of our planet and should not be used as a political issue for any other campaign but the one he states he is involved in: The one for our planet. The stakes are too high to simply relegate this crisis to a partisan political campaign issue that stifles results, or to use it simply to gain attention for specific groups by using it as some other groups are now doing instead of joining in this crucial cause.
There is no longer a debate that humans are causing climate change. It is a known scientific fact that the spewing of CO2 into our atmosphere (now at the rate of 70 million tons a day) and other gases such as methane is causing the rapid acceleration of glacier melt that we are seeing from the United States, to South America, to the Himalayas, to Africa, to New Zealand, to the Arctic and Greenland. Not only will this drastically change temperature, but also weather patterns, rainfall patterns, and global warming will increase because less ice at the top of the world soaks in more sun rather than reflecting the proper amount of infrared rays back to space to stabilize our climate. This will have catastrophic affects on our future if we do not work to reign in our rapacious use of fossil fuels.
The climate crisis is now also causing our oceans to become more acidic, which is bleaching our coral and killing necessary organisms that provide balance to that ecosystem, as well as plunging almost 35% of this world into more severe and sustained drought, which is leading to life threatening water and food shortages which are only predicted to intensify by 2025 if this is left unchecked. Locachara Island in India is the first casualty of rising seas with many more predicted, and the Ayles ice shelf in the Arctic broke off 16 months ago and was the length of 11,000 football fields! Global warming is cited by scientists as the cause, and it is real.
NASA, The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the National Science Academy, the Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, as well as other scientific organizations have all corroborated this and have been warning us about what we are doing to our planet by our own hand, as former Vice President Al Gore has also been doing for almost thirty years, which is related in his prescient movie An Inconvenient Truth. We are now seeing those warnings that have not been heeded for the last thirty years coming full circle, and we cannot ignore them any longer.
We also wish to denounce the deniers, skeptics, and those who are clearly out of arguments on this crisis who do nothing but seek to discredit Mr. Gore through personal attack and smear campaigns. Perhaps when their benefactors such as EXXON and other companies that have done nothing all these years in collusion with our media to show a true caring for this planet finally seek to see the truth and not stifle growth in the areas of alternate energy that allow them to reach mass markets, people will have alternatives to use at their disposal.
The only hypocrites in this scenario are those who claim to be walking the walk when they are not even beyond the crawling stage regarding the reality of this crisis. If spending hours ad nauseum over one person’s light bill over the billions that are being lost to the damage climate change by our hand is doing to this planet through our willful neglect through droughts, floods, changing weather patterns, storms, and other affects causing loss of livelihoods, lives, and sustainability is all they can offer us, then I think the debate truly is over for them.
Therefore, PFG pledges its full support and help to Mr. Gore and those who are working to educate others about what we are doing to our only home, and to expose the blatant cover up of this truth by the media and its counterparts, and wishes to express its deepest gratitude to Mr. Gore for taking on this most arduous task that we join him in.
Jan Moore
Patriots for Al Gore