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Read this and then write Al a letter if you haven't already

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SharonRB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-22-07 07:17 PM
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Read this and then write Al a letter if you haven't already
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IndyOp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-22-07 07:55 PM
Response to Original message
1. Sharon! Thanks!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo:

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Samantha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue May-22-07 11:46 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Dear Al Gore:
I saw you tonight on Larry King. I felt elated to hear you address the public about your new book, but during a series of flashbacks, your concession speech from 2001 aired momentarily. I once again felt stabbed in the heart. It is noteworthy for years people have stated they will always remember the precise moment they were told Kennedy had been assassinated. Some also say they will also remember the precise moment they learned this Country was under attack on November 11, 2001. I fit into both categories of people who stood still for these moments in time who will never be able to let go of exactly how they felt the precise moment of such historically tragic events.

That moment when you were shown giving your concession speech took me back to what has become to me the Number One historically tragic event during the United States existence -- the usurpation of the Oval Office in 2000. Yes, I truly feel that event trumps both the Kennedy assassination and the attacks of November 11, 2001. Tragic as both of these historical events were, neither left a permanent blueprint for how to effect a coup on the Presidency of the United States immediately following a legitimate election as outlined by our United States Constitution. And that is why I feel the 2000 election is the single most outstanding horrific threat to this Country, superseding even Presidential assassinations and attacks within the United States borders. Without the protection of the guidelines outlined in the United States Constitution for fair and just selection of the head of the Executive Branch of the United States Government, there is no democracy in this Country, or Republic, if you so prefer.

Yes, I felt stabbed in the heart when I saw that brief clip of your speech. And I am sure I was not alone. 51 million votes were negated by five judges on the Supreme Court, which stated unabashedly that the voters who had voted in Florida and had their votes counted on November 2, 2000, would suffer a grievous harm should recounted votes be waived into a final recounted tally. Those voters whose votes had been counted would suffer a loss of equal protection guaranteed under the Constitution should the Supreme Court allow that recount to proceed, so the Court said. And with that statement, the Supreme Court negated the 51 million votes across this Country you won in order to protect the so-called equal protection of a much lesser number of voters in one state. If one wants to try to stand on that unbelievably shaky legal platform, the question must be asked, does not that premise defy even common sense?

And why do I bring this up today? Sandra Day O'Connor in a very recent interview called that Supreme Court decision "a no brainer." Interpret that as you will.

And during the continuing echoes of "move on and get over it" thousands of United States soldiers died in Iraq, in a legal preemptive war you would have never initiated. Thousands suffered in New Orleans in the aftermath of a natural disaster because the Federal Government refused to send help in a timely manner. That never would have happened had you been sitting in the Oval Office. Osama bin Laden would either be in prison or not walking on this earth any longer had you been in the Oval Office following the attacks of September 11, 2001, but I believe, had you been the Commander-in-Chief on that day, those attacks would not have happened. You would have read the daily briefings given to the President of the United States by the CIA and employed due diligence to thwart the terrorists plans, as opposed to vacationing in Texas. Three thousand people died that day in the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks, as well as in that field in Pennsylvania. None of these thousands of people, not to mention the thousands of innocent Iraqi people killed in that war, will never have the chance to move on and get over the 2000 election. They no longer walk on this earth.

And that is why if you do not run for the Oval Office in 2008, that 2000 election blueprint will live in history books for those generations who come after us to read. That wrong can never be made right again, and perhaps it will happen again in the future, because that door remains open. You must run to set the historical record straight for the children of your children, and those who come after. Those who come after will not only have to breathe the polluted air we now breathe on this earth, they must also breathe the political ill winds of seizures of the Oval Office on our threatened Democracy.

I have already purchased your book and will certainly read it. However, I sincerely hope you will give some thought to the historical blueprint mentioned above and ask yourself, is this the lesson you want your grandchildren to read in future history classes? There is no righting of that type of wrong? Or do you prefer, as a great American, for there to be an additional chapter where The Man Who Should Be President saved the political day for generations to come by giving the spirit of legitimate elections as defined by our Constitution another chance?

Thank you for all your contributions to our Government, our lives, and the world -- and thanks for listening. This might just be the only place I could safely say these things ....


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Samantha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-23-07 06:12 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Just read this morning and see I said "November" 2001
Oh, well it was late and night when I wrote this and I did catch the mistake. I can't edit it now. But as we all know, the attacks happened September 11, 2001. Sorry.
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IndyOp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-23-07 07:04 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. Perfection is neither possible nor is it a useful goal.

Perfection is not a useful goal because it stops communication -- it makes people afraid to speak in case they might make a mistake -- and right now we need EVERYONE in the conversation.

Your letter carries a TREMENDOUS emotional impact -- I can feel your heart breaking and I can feel your hope.

You did great! :applause:
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Samantha Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-23-07 10:27 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Thank you - I am so glad I stayed up late to capture my feelings
on all of these issues. It was very therapeutic. I am not sure whether I should edit the text for typos and actually send this to Al Gore as SharonRB requested we do. I think that statement that the election theft of 2000 is the most historically tragic event in our existence might sound somewhat radical to some. Al Gore states the pre-emptive attack on Iraq is the biggest military blunder of our existence, and of course it is, but that war was a consequence of the Bush* "ascendancy" to the Oval Office and would not have taken place under a Gore administration.

So I have to think some more about whether or not to actually send this ....

But thanks again for lifting me up with your comments (and hug).
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