I am co-priestessing a ritual for my moon circle of 12 women in my home next Monday night.
I'm still working out the details, but basically we're going to create sacred egg rattles, by using Astara's eggs (plastic Easter eggs) and filling them with birdseed. Both eggs and seeds are potent symbols for this time of year. Our plan is to also have a guided meditation, beforehand, to help everyone get clear on what their individual life purpose/intention is. Each woman will write it down on a small piece of paper which will get put inside the egg, with the seeds. Every woman will also have a chance to speak their own truth. We'll do some ju ju around infusing the egg with our energy and perhaps wrap it up by using the egg rattles together, in song.
I'm stoked, it's gonna be great! :woohoo: I love Spring! It's my most favorite season of all. :bounce:
:hi: How about any of you other pagans out there? Any big plans for a ritual?