I thought this would be the best place to post this. It's my
first time on this forum, and I'm hoping to get some opinions
from you all. My daughter was married this past Saturday to
the LOVE OF HER LIFE. She has always been a spiritual being.
My son took photos of the wedding as a gift to her, both
digital and video. He burned the photos to a disc for her and
her new hubby, and for me. Maybe someone who is an expert in
digital photography could explain the phenomenon. Out of 100
pictures, 11 have "orbs" floating around ONLY photos
of the bride and groom. The most prevalent one is when they
have their one and only dance. It looks like they are dancing
to Lawrence Welk music!! If you get my drift! In one shot when
they are kissing, it looks like my daughter is blowing a
bubble gum bubble just before the actual kiss. In the photos
the orbs begin as she is walking down the aisle. There were
many photos taken before, and many after these 11 pictures, so
my son ruled out something on the camera lens. Does anyone out
there have any ideas?? I've heard of "orbs"
representing spirits around us. Loved ones or ancestors who
have passed over, or Angels? Please , I'll listen to as many
explanations as I can get. The bride and groom haven't seen
the pictures yet, and my poor son is "freaking out"
as to what could be the cause. Thanks all