Ever wondered why the ancient Egyptians were so intent on covering their marvellous tombs and temples with colours of every hue?
Seems they did not just want their buildings to look pretty. Historians have discovered that the Egyptians used colour as a healing tool. The ancient healers used coloured minerals, crystals, ointment, plasters and dye along with their lotions, potions, charms and spells to treat those sick in mind or body.
Modern day alternative practitioners are once again touting the fact that colour is intrinsic to healing and restoring balance. As a result one can now obtain an array of colour therapy equipment, ranging from pen-light torches with interchangeable gel coloured lenses to the most popular tool — colour therapy eyewear (colour-tinted glasses).
Is this just another way to prise money from a gullible public, or does colour therapy really work?
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