Redneck Pagans
Ya know, with so many city folk moving to the country, and the old
ways spreading into every corner of America, can it be too long before
EVERY segment of American society is represented in the Pagan
community? Will we someday see REDNECK PAGANS???
Here are some signs that you, yourself, may be a redneck Pagan...
If your ceremonial garb consists of cut-offs and a tube top,
Or if you think a "family tradition" is a dating club...
If you've reached the 3rd degree but not the 3rd grade,
Or if your coven's secret names for the God and Goddess are
"Cooter" and "Sweet Cheeks".....
You may be a redneck Pagan.
If your ceremonial chalice says "Budweiser" on it...
If chewing tobacco is considered a sacred herb...
If your circle dance includes the words "dosey-do",
Or if your altar pentacle is a photo of John Wayne's star on the
Hollywood "Walk Of Fame".....
You may be a redneck Pagan.
More redneck Pagan!