They Transform the Shoulders 4 Times a Year
By Dan Morse
Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, October 8, 2006; Page SM03
The three hold different jobs: Amber Russell designs bouquets; Anne Rutherford is a legal secretary; Bonnie Smith works for a landscaper.
But the three Southern Marylanders have this much in common: Each considers herself a witch.
They practice a religion called Wicca, one they say is growing in the area, and one that surfaced -- tangentially, at least -- in a St. Mary's County campaign for the Maryland General Assembly. Just before last month's primary election, House of Delegates candidate Clare Calvert Whitbeck issued a statement denying she was a Wiccan, saying she did so to put a false rumor to rest.
Whitbeck clearly wanted to distance herself from the religion. She lost her challenge to five-term incumbent John F. Wood Jr. in the Democratic primary for District 29A, which includes the northern half of St. Mary's and a small piece of Charles County.
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