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Magick: Black or White (WitchVox Article)

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient Wisdom and Pagan Spirituality Group Donate to DU
icymist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Mar-23-07 01:34 AM
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Magick: Black or White (WitchVox Article)
Recently, during a class on magick someone asked me what I consider the differences between black and white magick are. I could see the look of surprise in their eyes when I answered: None.

Somehow this wonderful gift has been categorized. The magick we practice is either good, white magick or bad, black magick. I don’t believe any magick to be white or black; it is only magick.

The idea that magick must fall into some predetermined category is a sad misconception. Somehow, we have allowed others to place their ideas of what magick is, or is not, upon us. Magick is simply a beautiful gift of wisdom, understanding and power.

There was a time in our history when all magick was honored and those who had these gifts were also honored. Yet over the centuries, and with the insertions of other religions, this changed. For a time, all forms of magick were looked upon as evil or black. If anyone believed you worked or practiced magick, you could -- and most probably would -- have been put to death

Read the article
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shimmergal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 06:25 PM
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1. Interesting article!
i think perhaps the hesitation to use magick for all but a few purposes, most of them inner-directed, is a hangover of fear from when it was all suspect.
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rickrok66 Donating Member (141 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Apr-08-07 10:45 PM
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2. Magic - like electricity or fire
Thanks, I check Witchvox as least once a week for the articles. Calling magic "white" or "black" is like saying there is good electricity and bad electricity. It is the human who makes it good or bad.

It brings to mind shows like The Dresden Files, Blood Ties, or Charmed. I like watching them, but hey pick up the phone and call an actual Wiccan or Pagan to explain the symbols and rituals that you guys use. On Blood Ties last week the bad guy was using a basic Wiccan alter, candles, incense, and a pentacle to summon a demon. I laughed because I had the same setup on my little alter in my living room.
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