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I'm down and I don't know what to do.

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Home » Discuss » DU Groups » Religion & Spirituality » Ancient Wisdom and Pagan Spirituality Group Donate to DU
Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu May-24-07 05:00 PM
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I'm down and I don't know what to do.
The last few days with all the crap being talked about the war funding, death count, compromises on minimum wage, and now the navy floating into the Gulf to provoke Iran has my head spinning. I also had a cortisone shot this morning for a shoulder injury. I don't think it is affecting me except to "warm" up my furnace a little.

Anyway, I am so bummed. Really down and feeling like it's time to get out, but who knows where with global warming?

I haven't practiced Christianity in a few years. It hasn't made sense for me to "pray" to a diety that I feel like I don't know any more. I am not a practicing Wicca. Do you have any recommendations for me to bring more light to counter this darkness I feel around me? Something simple? My time alone is spent trying to get the house in order before my kids get home because once they do, it is difficult to do anything.

Maybe I am too in touch with the world around me, and maybe I read too much news. Would I be happier if ignorant of current events?

I'm rambling now.
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icymist Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-25-07 03:18 PM
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1. My dear Ilsa, I give to you a meditation that has helped me in the past.
This is a salt water meditation. This purpose is to be rid of all hindering thoughts. This meditation don't require any particular religious path.

Take a wine glass or chalice of water. {Tapwater is fine} From whatever salt you have on hand, pour this into a Small mound. Take a black handled knife (Or a dark color) from the knives in your kitchen drawer, and with the blade, scope salt from the pile in to the glass/chalice three times. Stir this throughly. Hold the glass or chalice between your hands, looking into the water. Sit with this a while, thinking of what is bothering you. Let these 'bad' thoughts boil up inside you. See them boil round you like wind whirling around your head. Now see these bad thoughts flow from you as in a stream, into the cup of salt water. See all those bad thoughts get sucked down into the salt water. Now, vision a clear, vibrant and strong light flowing from you into the cup of salt water entrapping these bad thoughts. See this water sparkle ever so brightly. Take a sip of this water and know that as doing so, you are cleansed.

Take the unused water to the nearest running stream (turn on the faucet to your sink) and dump this mixture down it.

~sigh~ I wish I could do more for you. If only I were there.
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Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri May-25-07 05:55 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. That is very good. I think a visualization with meditation is what
I am in need of. I'm going to do this tonight after everyone goes to bed. I have helped other people with emotional stress with visualization because it is such a strong tool. I like the details within this visualization as well. It is very physical, not just visual. I get to do something.

And I think that I had physical therapy today for the first time for my injured shoulder will help me with this. It has been "frozen up" for awhile as I have sought to avoid pain and more injury by favoring it. It is looser now because of the therapy, and this physical manifestation has probably affected my psyche over the last week. I have probably been "frozen up" emotionally with all the fighting about the Iraq war bill and some other things.

Thank you! Thank you! Blessings to you!
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Marrah_G Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon May-28-07 12:52 AM
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3. I can share what gets me through the day
I'm alot like you, the constant barrage of information can really get me down. I also have a brother in Iraq to add to the daily stress. What I do is I turn to my faith, not in the sense that other religions do. I don't find comfort in praying to the goddess to end the war. What I do do is to focus on the world as a continually changing place. The cycles of the earth also are like the cycles of humanity. The world has been thrown into chaos before and somehow humanity finds a way. This to will pass. For all the horror there is much good in the world and in people, you just have to really open your eyes to see it. Rather then praying for an end to the war I pray (for lack of a better word) for balance to be restored to the world, in whatever way it needs to.

Death and rebirth, death and rebirth. It has always been and will continue to be. Have faith in humanity, because we do evolve, albiet slowly. Sometimes there must be destruction to make room for growth, just a forest fire is natures way of renewing an area.

I'm not sure if any of this helps. I would suggest you get involved in something that will help you see the good things in the world. Gardening bring us closer to harmony with nature. Charity work can surround you with people making a difference, not for profit, but rather because they choose to make a small difference.

I think now I am the one rambling.
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Ilsa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed May-30-07 09:25 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. Actually, this is helpful as well.
Looking for and requesting balance seems like a great approach.

I'm burned out on charity work...did so much when i was younger, but now I am the one in need of charity assistance with my oldest autistic child. Besides, my hime business requires alot of charity to new moms from me already, which I happily provide. Gardening isn't something I can do here -- we have poison ivy everywhere, and the last time I gardened, I got the stuff and spent weeks on steroids which made me insane. So I will stick with meditation towards balance, change, evolution and growth.

Thank you for taking the time with me.
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